Episode 146 – Changing How We Operate with Dr. Gary Roubin

In this week’s episode of the Jackson Hole Connection, Stephan visits with Dr. Gary Roubin. Dr. Roubin is an internationally renowned interventional cardiologist, entrepreneur, author, speaker, and one of the inventors of the coronary stent. Dr. Roubin’s latest life-saving undertaking is Mountain Air Medical, a life flight service based in Jackson which assists in transporting people to facilities where they can get the care they need.
In this episode, Dr. Roubin talks about his childhood and what it was like to grow up in rural Australia while being part of the Jewish faith. He leads us down the path of how he went from earning his medical degree at the University of Queensland to taking a chance and moving to Atlanta, Georgia to do post-doctoral research with Andreas Gruentzig at Emory University. Dr. Roubin shares the amazing chance encounter that allowed him to stay in the country to continue his research in creating and testing the first FDA-approved coronary stent. Stephan and Dr. Roubin also talk about his love of living in Jackson and what drew him to set up roots in the Valley many years ago.
This week’s episode is supported in part by Teton County Solid Waste and Recycling reminding you to reduce, reuse, recycle, and compost. Avoid single-use products whenever possible, and remember to bring your reusable bags with you while shopping. More at RoadToZeroWasteJH.org.
Support also comes from The Vault of Jackson Hole. Jackson Hole’s only climate-controlled wine storage facility and offers temperature-controlled storage for businesses. Call 307-248-6392 to connect today!
Want to be a guest on The Jackson Hole Connection? Email us at connect@thejacksonholeconnection.com. Marketing and editing support by Michael Moeri.