Episode 232 – Creating Gear for Every Body with Taylor-Ann Smith

Taylor-Ann Smith is a graphic designer and the entrepreneur behind Ride Force. Taylor-Ann is originally from Montana, but has Wyoming roots. Taylor-Ann started Ride Force 3 years ago after she discovered that she couldn’t find any clothes that made her look and feel good on her mountain bike.
In this episode, Taylor-Ann shares her fascinating story about what led her to move to Jackson and her family’s deep roots in Wyoming. We learn about her grandfather Duane Wiltse, who pioneered the first KOA in Wyoming, and her other grandparents who owned a cabin in Colter Bay.
Stephan and Taylor-Ann engage in a compelling conversation about the birth of Ride Force, delving into how Taylor-Ann manages to balance her full-time job as a graphic designer while also running a successful business. The two explore the topic of overcoming obstacles and fears when embarking on new ventures, and Taylor-Ann openly shares the ups and downs of creating a clothing brand from scratch. Above all, she explains how she is striving to make a positive difference for anyone who wants to enjoy their favorite outdoor activities, no matter their body type.
Find out more about Taylor-Ann and Ride Force at Ride-Force.com
This week’s episode is supported in part by First Republic Bank. At First Republic, everyone gets a personal banker who will sit down and learn about you and your financial goals. Isn’t it time you align yourself with a bank that believes in you and your future success? Learn more at FirstRepublic.com. Member FDIC, Equal Housing Lender.
Support also comes from Teton County Solid Waste and Recycling, reminding businesses of Teton County’s “Curb to Compost” Program for food waste collection; an important next step in your restaurant’s recycling program. More at TetonCountyWY.gov or at @RoadToZeroWaste.JH on Instagram.
Want to be a guest on The Jackson Hole Connection? Email us at connect@thejacksonholeconnection.com. Marketing and editing support by Michael Moeri (michaelmoeri.com)