Episode 43 – Hard Work and Awesome Responsibility with Mike Gierau

In this week’s episode of the Jackson Hole Connection, Stephan visits with Mike Gierau. Mike is an entrepreneur, Wyoming Senator, former Wyoming House Representative, former Town Council Member and the owner of Jedediah’s Catering and Concessions. Mike landed in Jackson Hole in the summer of 76’ after exploring the area on a family trip the summer before.
In this episode, Stephan and Mike talk about how he landed in Jackson, starting a restaurant, running for public office and how to balance life, business and public service.
To connect directly with Mike, email mikegierau@wyo.gov
To see Mike’s public voting record and more, visit https://wyoleg.gov/
To find out more about the catering options and Mike’s restaurants, visit Jedediahs.com
This episode talks about the Genevieve building in Jackson. We hope for a speedy restoration of Cafe Genevieve after a fire partially burned this historic building. Thank you to the firefighters in Jackson for their quick action.
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This week’s sponsor is The Liquor Store of Jackson Hole.
Want to be a guest on The Jackson Hole Connection? Email us at connect@thejacksonholeconnection.com
Music in this episode is provided by Luke Taylor. The Jackson Hole Connection is edited by Michael Moeri. Website and social media support by Tana Hoffman.