Episode 22 – Breaking Barriers and Building Resilience with Jose Rivas

In this week’s episode of the Jackson Hole Connection, Stephan visits with Jose Rivas. Jose is a University of Wyoming graduate and a counselor at Munger Mountain Elementary School. Jose immigrated to the United States from Mexico with a family member when he was only 6 years old. The energy industry brought Jose and his family out to Wyoming over 20 years ago.
In this episode, Stephan and Jose talk about life as a DACA recipient, seeking higher education, the struggle of being undocumented, the risks of working in the oil fields and the importance of family and helping your community. To contact Jose directly, email josegrivas1@outlook.com.
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This episode sponsors include The Liquor Store and Jackson Hole Marketplace.
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Music in this episode is provided by Luke Taylor. The Jackson Hole Connection is edited by Michael Moeri. Website and social media support by Tana Hoffman.